It all started with a "create-your-own-card" making kit, some old-school design software, and the fancy scribbles of a six-year-old. Fast forward 12 years and while perusing the pages of the college course catalog looking for what to major in, I didn't have to look past the first letter in the alphabet. Listed under "Art" was Graphic Design, something I didn't even realize could be a career.
I have been a graphic designer since the age of 10, I just didn't know it yet. That old-school design software was what helped me turn my English papers and class projects into something more interesting and that stood out. I found my strengths in layout design and information organization and have never looked back.
Eighteen years ago and two days after graduating from UC Davis, I started working as the Graphic Designer for Renaissance ClubSport Walnut Creek, a high-end fitness club and resort. Three years later, I was promoted to Senior Graphic Designer then worked my way up to leading our design team as Creative Director at the parent company, Leisure Sports Inc (LSI). Over my career with LSI, I have modernized our marketing, provided art direction on multiple website redesigns, branded countless programs, centralized our design team, expanded our video strategy, and contributed to year-over-year growth in membership sales and program revenue.
In 2010, I started my own business, designing wedding invitations and all the paper goods that go along with it. It has been a wonderful creative outlet and a way to continuously challenge myself with design projects that are a completely different style from my day job.